Professor Colin Clark

BBus (FIT), DipEd (SCVH), MBA (Mon), PhD (Mon), FCPA, FCA, FAICD, FIPAA.

Colin is now part-time at Victoria University as Professor of Accounting and Director of the Victoria Business Confucius Institute.

He has been Dean International at Victoria University and has previously held senior leadership roles as Dean of Business, Executive Dean and Deputy Dean within the former Faculty of Business and Law of Victoria University.

As a professor of accounting, he has been active within the accounting profession and is a former Vice President of CPA Australia and a Past President of the Victorian Division of CPA Australia. He is a past member of the Australian Accounting Standards Board Advisory Group. Colin has an extensive publications record and has also received awards for his contribution to the accounting profession.

Colin’s research interests focussed on public sector accounting and corporate governance. He is currently working on projects associated with financial reporting. A number of previous projects were also international in nature. These have included an AUSAid funded project to review the auditor general legislation of the Solomon Islands and to draft a bill to create a national audit office. Colin led an AUSAid linkage project on public sector reform in South Africa.

He has supervised 15 doctoral completions.

Colin is also a non executive director and chair of the Audit, Finance and Strategy Committee of Deaf Children Australia. Colin served 10 years as a non-executive director of Western Health with the last nine years as chair of the Finance and Resources Committee. He has held a number of other statutory appointments.

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